David Wyles, M.D., FIDSA, is a graduate of Northwestern Univeristy Feinberg School of Medicine and currently Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Colorado and Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Denver Health Medical Center. Dr. Wyles’ research interests center on viral hepatitis including: the conduct of clinical trials with novel therapeutic for HBV and HCV, HCV drug resistance/retreatment and the treatment of viral hepatitis in the setting of HIV co-infection and in underserved populations. During the COVID-19 pandemic Dr. Wyles has also been involved in clinical trials of novel therapeutics for hospitalized patients with severe COVID-19.
He was an inaugural member of the AASLD/IDSA HCV guidelines panel is also a member of the International Antiviral Society – USA Hepatitis Advisory Board. He is a current member of the ACTG Hepatitis transformative science group