Avoiding Bias and Providing Affirming Services
Click on any of the items below for more information and suggestions
- Working effectively with an interpreter (HHS)
- Know Your Rights, Know Your Patients' Rights (National Immigration Law Center)
- Poster: Healthcare Options for Immigrant New Yorkers (New York Immigration Coalition)
- Tool: Know Your Rights Wallet Cards (New York Immigration Coalition)
Implicit Bias
Inclusive Language
Please note: Terminology evolves and may depend upon individual preferences. You should always ask what language patients prefer to use
- Advancing Health Equity: A Guide to Language, Narrative and Concepts (American Medical Association)
- How to Use LGBTQ Inclusive Language in Healthcare (Nursing License Map)
- Criminal Justice Reform Phrase Guide (The Opportunity Agenda)
- Guiding Principles for Inclusive Communication (CDC)
- Sex-positive language(39th Annual NPO Education Conference)
- Stigma-reducing language (Shatterproof)
- NIAID HIV Language Guide
LGBTQ+ Affirmative Care
- CEI's online Learning Pathway: The Trans Health Series: Building Blocks for Trans and Gender Diverse Care
- Provider Tool: Gender pronoun buttons (CEI)
- Creating an LGBTQ Friendly Practice (American Medical Association)
- Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People (UCSF)
- National LGBTQAI Health Education Training Center (Fenway Institute)
- Sample Registration Form, English (Callen-Lorde)
- Sample Registration Form, Spanish (Callen-Lorde)
- WPATH Standards of Care (World Professional Association for Transgender Health)
Systemic Racism and Healthcare
- CEI Video: Mistrust and Skepticism of the Medical System within Communities of Color: A Community-Focused Panel
- "Conversations with CEI" podcast: "Where Are We Now With HIV and COVID-19"
- Seminar Series: Center for Health Equity (University of California San Francisco Center for Health Equity)
- Impact of Racism on our Nation's Health (CDC)
- Webinar Series: Structural Competency (Structural Competency Working Group)
- Article: The Race and Medicine Collection (New England Journal of Medicine)
Trauma Informed Care
CEI trainings on trauma-informed care
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (Centers for Disease Control)
- The Institute on Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care (Buffalo Center for Social Research, University at Buffalo)
- Trauma Informed Care Implementation Resource Center (Center for Healthcare Strategies)